Error Disk quota exceeded

Dear IFB team,
I'm using a big snakemake pipeline (snpArcher) that uses a lot of conda env.
I get disk quota errors at the middle of the run. I already had the same problem on genouest cluster because there were a limit on 100000 items for an account.

If there is the same limit on ifb cluster, could you please increase mine to 500000 or more ?

I delete the .conda directory after every run but 100000 items seem to be still not enough for one run.

Thank you.

Have a nice day,

Maxence Brault

Dear Maxence,

Your home directory is limited (250GB, 100000 items).
But your project directory can be rise. And in fact, right now, you can store 10000000 items (~files). x100 your home directory limit.

So just use this space with conda (--prefix option, conda create — conda 24.7.2.dev36 documentation).
Maybe you could also try /tmp, if you install this environment each time (each job) and, above all, clean when your job is finished.

Please take care of all this conda environments / files (check the ressources and clean when it's possible).