Permission denied to newly created project

Hello dear IFB team,
I just received the validation of a new project folder : shmbnl_rnaseq.
But when I "cd" into it, to create a new folder to copy my fastq, I get the error :

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘Fastq’: Permission denied.
Does it need more time to become functional, or is there a problem with the access rights ?

Thanks for your help,

Hello Maria,

I just tested and it's ok for me.
Could you disconect/reconnect and retry (maybe just a cache issue, it takes few minutes to be fully available) or maybe just verify your path ?


J'ai le même problème avec un projet crée aujourd'hui. Est ce que effectivement ça prend du temps pour obtenir la permission de modifier un projet?


Bonjour @ndwivedi ,

Ca prends quelques heures en effet.
Est-ce bon de votre côté ?

Oui c’est bon merci! Ça prend effectivement quelques heures.