AcoF error : Argument isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at / Use of uninitialized value $bmass in subtraction (-)


I'm trying to use AcorF to dela with redundancy, for that i calculated correlation matrix in r using cor function :

corr_resultat <- as.matrix(cor(metabolomics_data, use = "complete.obs"))

After i saved data as csv

write.csv2(corr_resultat , file = "correlation_resultat.csv")

afetr that i transform data as txt and i upload the correlation matrix , data matrix and variable metadata
after excuting the program i gor this error message : (repeated several times)

Argument 0,051099368 isnt numeric in numeric gt (>) at

I tried the correlation matrix as txt data

write.table(corr_resultat , file = "txt_correlation_resultat.txt", sep = "\t",
            row.names = FALSE)

And i upload the three files ans excuting AcorF and this i got this error message :

Use of uninitialized value $bmass in subtraction (-) at /shared/ifbstor1/galaxy/shed_tools/ line 113, <F1> line 1.

Do you know please how i can solve this problem ?

Thank you in advance