DIsk quota exceeded with error

I am trying to submit a job, and it's always exiting with the code State: FAILED (exit code 15).
I tried creating a file with touch in my project to check where the error was and got this touch: cannot touch ‘try’: Disk quota exceeded.
I already checked my usage for the project tcr_cb and i am at 51 of 250GB (even with the hidden file)
tcr_cb [####----------------] 51 / 250 GB
Here is the number of files i have in my project:
Filesystem used quota limit grace files quota limit grace
51.98G 250G 375G - 375000* 250000 375000 -
Could you help me solve this problem since currently I can't sumbit any new jobs.
Thank you,


You have exceeded the maximum number of files in your home directory (108k / 100k) and in your project directory (359k / 250k).

In your home: lfs quota -h -p 165013 /shared/home/celinebalaa

Disk quotas for prj 165013 (pid 165013):
     Filesystem    used   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
                 27.46G    100G    150G       -  108073* 100000  150000    none


  • ~/.conda 60k files
  • ~/.local/lib/python3.9 45k files

In your project dir: lfs quota -h -p 165015 /shared/projects/tcr_cb

Disk quotas for prj 165015 (pid 165015):
     Filesystem    used   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
                  51.6G    250G    375G       -  359459* 250000  375000 2d3h29m6s


  • <...>/analysis_results/esm_emb/ 300k fichiers (and Transimmunom_... 100k files each)

So you have to clean, maybe compress some files, etc.

I rose the quota on you project dir to give you flexibility but please take care of the number of files.

Okay thank you !!