File count quota in HOME


I noticed I am close to my quota for number of files in $HOME, currently at 95105 files out of 100000.

I counted files recursively in each directory of my $HOME, with:

find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | while read dir; do
  printf "%-25.25s : " "$dir"
  find "$dir" -type f | wc -l

This is what I find:

./.config                 : 3
./apps                    : 0
./.jupyter                : 2
./.ipython                : 0
./user_guides             : 0
./.local                  : 13
./.vscode-server          : 23919
./.juliaup                : 3
./My_Julia_Packages       : 88
./.dotnet                 : 5
./ondemand                : 21
./.cache                  : 7999
./.julia                  : 43075
./.cargo                  : 4
./jupyter                 : 2
./.ipynb_checkpoints      : 0
./.pixi                   : 7093
./.ssh                    : 3
./.oh-my-zsh              : 1200

Summing I get < 85000 files, so my question is why status_bars is reporting 95105 files. Where are the extra 10000 files are coming from?


To count files, you can also use ncdu. More information:

I get:

51,358 /.julia
29,248 /.vscode-server
10,248 /.cache
 9,007 /.pixi
     5 /.cargo
 1,693 /.oh-my-zsh
     5 /.juliaup
   150 /My_Julia_Packages
     8 /.dotnet
    33 /ondemand
    19 /.local
     8 /.config
     4 /.jupyter
     3 /jupyter
     3 /.ssh
     2 /user_guides

It matchs with status_bar results.

Note, htat you can have some difference due to items considered ("inodes", "files", "links", etc.)

1 « J'aime »

Thanks. So it seems the folders having the largest file counts in my $HOME currently are ~/.julia, ~/.vscode-server, ~/.cache, ~/.pixi. Except for .cache, the others are related to packages or programs I use normally and I'm not sure how I could reduce their file count. For .cache, I'm not sure if it's safe to just clean it ? I don't want to break things.

What happens if I hit the quota limit ?

I don't plan to intentionally increase the numbers of files in my $HOME soon, but they these folders that show up here with ncdu are not really under my direct control, and might fluctuate as dependencies update to new versions, or as I install/uninstall some specific packages.

Perhaps a slightly larger file count quota would give me a more comfortable margin, so things don't break suddenly if I hit a threshold. Is it possible to request an increase in the file count allowance quota? Say to something like 120000?

Cache files can usually be removed without issue.

We do not change the home directory quota.
We recommend using your project folder to store software and packages related to the project.
In most cases, there is an option to specify the installation directory or the working directory.