I'm writing to request help, as I had a contract with the INRAe but it finished although the project is not finished (project: HELMO, closed account: julie.ramirez@inrae.fr). After requesting an extension and changing the password, I could access it, but recently I lost access to both the email and the cluster. As I understand, if I have an email account from a French institution then I could have access again. I'm still a student at l'Institut Agro Montpellier, and I'm currently requesting an institutional account, which I have the right to have, but they are closed for the holidays.
Is it possible to please not delete the information in my account until I could regain access to it? Would my account with l'Institut Agro work to have access to the same project? And any case, is it possible to exceptionally have access to the cluster to download the most important files that I was working on before I lost access?
Thank you so much,
Julie Ramirez