Install busco 5.4.4


I'm having problems with the versions of busco that are available in the cluster. I have some sequences that can't be well processes due to a bug that happens with these versions; and apparently the version 5.4.4 can hadle better the bug that I encountered (according to this: Error in BUSCO run: Unhandled exception occurred (#592) · Issues · ezlab / busco · GitLab). So, is it possible to request the instalation of this version in the cluster, or can you please tell me how can I install it there?

Thank you so much in advance for the help

Hello @jramirez, do you need the version 5.4.4 of Busco specifically, or can we install the latest one (5.5.0) ?


Hello @arthurlebars , I would think the latest will contain the correction too, so it should be enough and should work.

Thank you

Hi @arthurlebars , in fact, digging further into the subject, I absolutely prefer the latest version to be installed.

I look forward to hearing from you,
Thanks a lot

Hi @jramirez, Busco 5.5.0 is now available with module load busco/5.5.0 :smiley:

1 « J'aime »

Thak you so much, it solved the problem I was having :slight_smile: