I am a new user of the FBI cluster and together with my team we are organizing a git and python bioimage analysis training on the cluster infrastructure.
I would like to create an exhausting conda environment that I can use during the course. I created one on my account and it worked fine, but for some reasons I don't understand I don't seem to be able to install Stardist or Cellpose, the process simply get killed but doesn't return any errors. These packages rely on PyTorch and Tensorflow so I assume that might be the issue, because if I try to install them directly the process is also killed. I also tried to clone an existing env but it also gets killed.
I tried to use Stardist and Cellpose from an already available conda env on the cluster, and it works fine, however I would like to be able to have everything in one place with a kernel connected to JupyterHub.
Could someone help me in this regard?
Thank you!