Long pending jobs for 2 days

My job in Alpholdv2.2.3 has been pending since the last two days for single FASTA files, it uisally never took 2 days to run for jobs for single FASTA files. Please, could you kindly into this matter.

Thanking you

Here is my script (in case if there's anything )

#SBATCH --partition=gpu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:3g.20gb:1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=10
#SBATCH --mem=50G
#SBATCH --account=ancest_or_
#SBATCH --time 36:00:00

module load alphafold/2.2.3

mkdir -p /tmp/$USER_alphafold

srun run_alphafold.sh --use_gpu_relax=True --fasta_paths=/shared/projects/ancest_or_/SfruGR139.fa

long Pending

My job in Alphafold is stuck at pending status since last 5 days which never happened before. Please could you let me know why is it taking this long and how can I resolve this isssue?

Thanking you

Have a nice day!


There are only 2 profiles "3g.20gb". A widely used profile. So there's sometime a lot of waiting time.

May be try with another profile, smaller, like 1g.5gb ?

More information:

Best regards