msPurity - Memory issue with createSQL database

Bonjour support,

An issue occurs while running MSMS pipeline. At the msPurity.createDatabase step I have the following error
"This job was terminated because it used more memory than it was allocated.
Please click the bug icon to report this problem if you need help."

Can you set the memory threshold a bit higher for that step please?

Maybe for @gildaslecorguille an admin

In progress:

msPurity suite can now use 4 CPU and from 8GB to 12GB of memory :rocket:

Many Thanks. It's a really cool tool

It's me again for a similar memory issue with mspurity.createdatabase tool. Here I have reached the RAM limit with only 54 files and around 9000 MS/MS spectra

would it be possible to add maybe 24 Go or 64 Go as limits?
