NMR_Read Bruker data AVANCE NEO console

I am having issues reading NMR data obtained specifically on one spectrometer equipped with an AVANCE NEO console and controlled with TopSpin 4.1.3. The generated dataMatrix contains a lot of NAs and the raw FID graph look nothing like the real FID on TopSpin. If I try to preprocess, I get an error message and I am stuck there.
I do not have this problem when reading data from the same samples obtained on another spectrometer equipped with an AVANCE III console and controlled with TopSpin 3.6 which made me think the data generated with AVANCE NEO is not supported in W4M.

Do you know when there will be an update ?

can you share the history in which the error occured, or provide us with the error messages, please?
Thank you!


Here are the screenshots of the raw FIDs after NMR_Read (clearly something's wrong there) and of the error message I get if I try to continue with NMR_Prepocessing.