HMDB MS search seems to run correctly, the standard output being: Testing HMDB server connexion (1 time(s) )... Status: 200 The HMDB server returns that your request (connexion test) was fulfilled.
The output however, is empty. The tool standard error is:
Error GETing https://hmdb.ca/spectra/ms/generate_csv.csv?results[action]=search&results[adduct_type .... : Bad Gateway at /shared/ifbstor1/galaxy/shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/fgiacomoni/hmdb_ms_search/29195cb5d378/hmdb_ms_search/lib/hmdb.pm line 660.
I have tried to run the tool multiple times on different days but always run into the same error. Do you have any advice on how to proceed?
Have a nice day,