Troubleshoot beagle library


I'm using beagle_SSE option in my BEAST2 batch file runs to facilitate threading (see attached files
Envoi en cours : guerrero_std_30M.xml…
). But Beast can't properly access it leading to the following error: "Failed to load BEAGLE library: no hmsbeagle-jni in java.library.path: /.singularity.d/libs:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/beast/jre/lib/amd64"
I think the solution is in the following link. LinuxInstallInstructions · beagle-dev/beagle-lib Wiki · GitHub

Can you please look into it? It'll save a ton of cluster time.
Merci beaucoup

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I am currently running beast2 on the IFB and I encountered exactly the same problem
When running beast -beagle_info, I get after the usual citations :

Failed to load BEAGLE library: no hmsbeagle-jni in java.library.path: /.singularity.d/libs:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/beast/jre/lib/amd64

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