Troubleshoot: snakemake dependency using drmaa error


I tried the Snakemake tutorial interactively (srun) and it worked after some tinkering. But when trying the same Snakefile, env.yaml, and config.yaml with slurm-drmaa, the Fastqc rule is throwing up an error. I solved this error earlier in the srun by updating Fastqc. So, not sure why this same problem is happening with slurm. Maybe because the conda needs to be up-to-date?

I'll greatly appreciate any pointers/help.

[Wed Oct  4 11:09:29 2023]
rule fastqc:
    input: result/CRN-107_11_R1.fastq, result/CRN-107_11_R2.fastq
    output: result/CRN-107_11-R1.html, result/CRN-107_11-R2.html, result/, result/
    jobid: 0
    reason: Missing output files: result/CRN-107_11-R1.html, result/CRN-107_11-R2.html
    wildcards: sample=CRN-107_11
    resources: tmpdir=/tmp

Submitted DRMAA job 0 with external jobid 35412539.
[Wed Oct  4 11:09:59 2023]
Error in rule fastqc:
    jobid: 0
    input: result/CRN-107_11_R1.fastq, result/CRN-107_11_R2.fastq
    output: result/CRN-107_11-R1.html, result/CRN-107_11-R2.html, result/, result/
    conda-env: /shared/ifbstor1/projects/sarscov2mex/00_test/snakemake_tutorial/.snakemake/conda/86e28c1a593c1e0dae62c46bef024c9a_
            fastqc --nogroup result/CRN-107_11_R1.fastq
            fastqc --nogroup result/CRN-107_11_R2.fastq
        (one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)

Error executing rule fastqc on cluster (jobid: 0, external: 35412539, jobscript: /shared/ifbstor1/projects/sarscov2mex/00_test/snakemake_tutorial/.snakemake/tmp.pzjmwo15/ For error details see the cluster log and the log files of the involved rule(s).
Shutting down, this might take some time.
Exiting because a job execution failed. Look above for error message
Complete log: .snakemake/log/2023-10-04T110916.652317.snakemake.log

path to the project: /shared/projects/sarscov2mex/00_test/snakemake_tutorial
tutorial: Perform a quality check on raw sequencing data with Snakemake and Conda
slurm command: snakemake --drmaa --jobs=10 result/CRN-107_11-R1.html result/CRN-107_11-R2.html

P.S.: I also checked disc space, which doesn't seem to be a problem.

(base) [dchakraborty@core-login1 snakemake_tutorial]$ lfs quota -h -p 163032  /shared/home/dchakraborty
Disk quotas for prj 163032 (pid 163032):
     Filesystem    used   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
                 5.416G    100G    150G       -   92337  100000  150000       -

Merci d'avance.
Bonne journée,