Troubleshooting password

I have created an account to use W4M and need to reset my password. I tried several times to reset my password giving my institutional adress (the one used to create the account) but I never received the "reset email".
I tried to create a new account but as I have already an account corresponding to my institutional adress, I got a message indicating that the account already exists.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Ping @team.galaxy

Hi @Guilhlau

Did you check your spam?

I see that you were online a few hours ago.
Did you succeed to reset your password?



I did not get any email even if the spams.

Actually, after sending my mail on the forum, I tried to connect to my galaxy account it worked. But I was not able to connect the W4M page on which I requested a reset.

If the galaxy account is enough that's good for me.
