I was wondering is I am using the good variables to create a S-plot after performing OPLS-DA using the multivariate tool in Galaxy. I created the S-plot with in-house code outside of Galaxy environment.
From the variableMetadata output file, I used the "OPLSDA_XLOAD-h1" column for the loadings for the predictive component (x axis), and the "OPLSDA_COEFF" column as regression coefficients (relationship between variables and the predictive component - y axis).
Is this choice correct or I need to modify something?
I think that a R script or function do exist for creating S-plot from ropls outputs, but still have to find it. Maybe @ethevenot@melpetera or @mtremblayfranco can help?
Get the scores of the predictive component (column of the sampleMetadata named "factor of interest_pls model_X-SCOR-p1" (or "-h1" in case of OPLS); here I use "gender_PLSDA_XSCOR-p1" as an example)