Nextflow pipeline with STAR FAILED without evident error

Hello dear Gildas,
I am running again the alignment for 1 pair of fastq (~17Gb) and the disk quota arrives at : 368Gb , as shown here, from 362Gb before running.

 inodes   |  1.6Ki |      - |      - |
 length   | 184GiB |      - |      - |
 size     | 184GiB | 466GiB | 559GiB |
 realsize | 368GiB |      - |      - |

I asked for --mem 50Gb this time and STAR --runThreadN 8.
when I top on the node activity I see:
%CPU = 799.3 for STAR.

Isn't this too much just for one pair of fastq.
Could we increase disk space @team.ifbcorecluster ?
I ll definitely need it if I run all the samples of the project in parallel : 151Gb fastq x 3 for STAR = 453Gb more !
But I d like to understand for 1 file why it cannot finish and write down the final bam file, if it is not that a large file-size !

Thanks for your help !