I have a problem with fillPeaks, the tool error message is : "Unable to run job due to a misconfiguration of the Galaxy job running system. Please contact a site administrator".
Could you fix it please?
It's fix now.
Sorry for that!
No problem, thanks a lot for your help!
I have the same problem. Can you help ?
Thank you,
It doesn't work, I have the same issue.
@gildaslecorguille any guess why that message arise?
Just for you to know, I got the same error message as Justine : "Unable to run job due to a misconfiguration of the Galaxy job running system. Please contact a site administrator"
Either with or without tweaks on parameters.
I launched an XCMS workflow on Tuesday and everything went well.
Since today, me and 2 of my colleagues have the same error message with the fillPeaks module:
An error occurred while running the tool toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/lecorguille/xcms_fillpeaks/abims_xcms_fillPeaks/3.6.1+galaxy0.
could you help us please ?
thank you
Hi @fcastelli , I think we need some help from @team.galaxy, your error message is the same as others Tool error with fillPeaks
It seems indeed that the error that was fixed a few days ago is back again. @team.galaxy may be able to do something about it.
My bad!
I indeed fixed this issue and rerun our installation pipeline that override my modification.
It should be fine for ... forever
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