This topic is dedicated to tips concerning Galaxy that may help you while performing analyses with Workflow4Metabolomics. Do not hesitate to glance over it, in particular prior to any help request concerning generic Galaxy-related issues.
Too close to your quota limit and you do not know what to do?
Do not panic. There is a few things that you can do to handle that.
Did I log in or am I using the instance as an "Unregistered user"? As specified in the Term of Use, quota is different when logged in. Please consider registering if not done yet.
Do I have histories that I do not need anymore? In histories I want to keep for now, do I have useless datasets that I could delete? Please perform some cleaning to ensure everything you do not need anymore is deleted permanently. This can cover whole histories to delete permanently as well as particular datasets in kept histories that you can purge without regrets. To get familiar with how to delete permanently and purge things, please refere to the managing dataset HowTo.
Still to close to the quota limit? Did you consider cleaning raw data in your histories? Indeed, flirting with the limit is generally due to raw files uploaded to proceed to data pre-processing. Once you finalise your extraction process, you may want to keep your pre-processing steps in Galaxy for a while, but if you do not plan to rerun it for a while, you may consider permanently deleting at least the raw files, you will sure gain consequent space. If in the future you want to rerun the pre-processing step with different parameters, you can always re-upload your raw data and rerun your workflow with modified parameters.
I have already performed points 1 to 3, but I am still short of quota to continue my analyses. Is there still something I can do? Yes there is. If you performed points 1 to 3 and are still struggling with you quota, you can request for additional space by posting a quota request either in the Workflow4Metabolomics category or in the Galaxy one.
See you again on Galaxy!